Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Stupid celebrity

Anyone read about Richard Hatch lately? For those of you living under a rock in the middle of a tropical island (well then you probably have a good idea who he is); about six?!?!? years ago he was the 'Naked Fat Gay' guy who pranced around well Naked, Gay, and Fat on Survivor island, the vanguard for the reality show plague. In addition to prancing, conniving, and backstabbing, he also won the million dollar prize. Smart Move? Sure, but the follow-up is not so smart. He failed to declare the winnings on his tax return. For about four years or so led the government on a merry chase. In addition to that he setup felonius charities, and lied on several years of tax returns.

In a surprising (yeah) move today, he was found guilty of several different felonies. He probably will have to give up all his 'winnings' and then some and spend circa 4 years in prison. I guess its a 'stupid and poor' to 'stupid and rich' back to 'stupid and incarcerated' story. Wonder where they found a jury of his peers?

Maybe he should try the 'Fat, Gay, Naked' thing in the courtroom during his sentencing hearing. It would probably work better than his legal defense 'Sorry, I am just really bad at Math'. Seriously, that was it. He just might get by with the judge believing him insane rather than an idiot.

Monday, January 23, 2006

Hawks at the bird feeder

I am feeding the birds in more ways then one this winter. I have been seeing two hawks hanging out at my birdfeeders. The first is a really big one, about the size of a (Very) large crow. The second is small one that flys around frentically from tree to tree looking for lunch. The songbirds dont seem to be too put off by the big one, but they disappear fast when the small one is around. From what I have read I think the birds have called it right. I think the big one is eyeing the Koi in my pond. Maybe its just taking a breather and likes the atmosphere of my yard. I see it in the morning sitting on my pond fence, just hanging out.

I feel kind of sorry for the songbirds, but I kind of like having the hawks around. Its kind of a 'Balance of Nature' thing with unatural birdfeeders. I remember a time when I was a kid and raptors were much rarer because of DDT. Now it seems like I see them all over the place. At least its a 'fair' fight for the songbirds, not like a well fed housecat that kills for the heck of it.

I have been trying to identify the two types of birds. I am finding it to be a major challange even with one of them perched on the tree outside my window. Apparently alot of hawks look very similar to one another. The best identification marks are seen when they are flying or soaring. I only see them flying into pine trees and perching. From research and observation I think the small one is either a sharp-shinned hawk or Cooper's hawk. The second one is either a broad winged hawk or a red shouldered. I am leaning towards red shouldered since apparently the broad winged ones are aptly named as they wing south for the winter.

I think it would be absolutely impossible to sneak up on one of these things. They barely will let me look out the window at them. I would love to get closer to get a better, longer look and hopefully some photos. They really have a really amazing awareness of everything going around them. At the tiniest noise or movement they are gone without leaving any idea of where they went. They use as many obstacles and cover as they can to secure a quick obscured escape.

Hope they do not mind gardeners.

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Problems with Iran

Seems Britain, France, and Germany are having problems with Iran's nuclear programme :) The approach for the US would be to conduct 'exercises' off the coast of Iran. The Brits have a carrier, maybe that might scare Iran into playing nice. But then they have an 'exercise' right next door to them. Maybe they are already scared. I would be.

Thursday, January 12, 2006

a new ice age

Neat clip I found from India I found out they are having a cold year in Asia. Also reading about the increase in ocean temperatures, perhaps due to increased volcanic activity rather than the global warming boogeyman?


You know i was just reading some energy statistics from the DOE today. To the people that say the Iraq 'war' is about oil.... apparently the USA imports 58% of its oil. Guess where it imports most of its oil? The middle east?

From the statistics from Jan-Aug last year
Canada (1.6 million bbl/d), Mexico (1.6 million bbl/d), Saudi Arabia (1.5 million bbl/d), Venezuela (1.3 million bbl/d), and Nigeria (1.0 million bbl/d).

Guess the war is not about oil? But what do I know?

Seems we should be nation building closer to home. Make Canada the 51st state and we can be self sufficient in oil.

What do we use oil for? Certainly not for production of electricity, for that most of it seems to come from coal (by far), nuclear, natural gas, and alternative sources.

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Freedom of the press

2005 seems to be a turning point for the Bush administration's public relations. It seems that the press has finally developed a backbone. I remember first thinking this in the aftermath of Katrina. The coverage early in the disaster was very embarassing to all aspects of the government. And recent revelations about domestic spying may prove even more so.

I am thankful everyday that we (still) have a free press. I am happy that after a fashion it can still stand up and tell the public of the wrongs and injustices that are being done in the name of protecting freedom. The administration may call the individual or individuals that 'leaked' the details of their actions traitors or worse. In my mind I am glad that they had the courage to stand up for what they believed was right (even if it does turn out to be Carl Rove).

Is the bush administration out of touch with humanity

I used to think that President Bush was an idealist. Every time I heard him speak, I was struck by the fact that I thought he actually believed the things he said. Even though I might have disagreed with his position I could at least respect his idealism. Now with the recent revelations on domestic spying, foreign prisons, and other revelations I think that he is completely out of touch with reality, public opinion and even basic human decency. The recent news regarding the political posturing between the White House and John McCain provides an example. I find it hard to believe that a nation can simultaneously hold the views that it is a beacon of liberty and that torture is an effective means of extracting information. It just seems incomprehensible to me that President Bush and his administration could even put forth the argument that torture is in line with the ideals of our country and its founding fathers. It also seems unconscionable that a person who has taken an oath to uphold the constitution could have gone so far wrong in his actions. Perhaps President Bush is still an idealist, but I do not believe those ideals are in line with those of liberty and freedom.